Cubastion Consulting: Aptitude + SQL

 1.  What  will below SQL query do ?

 SELECT * FROM ORDERS where ORDERDATE BETWEEN ‘07/04/2015’ and ‘07/09/2015’;


  • Selects starred orders with an Order Date Between 04-July-2015 and 09-July-2016 from the table Orders
  • None of these
  • Select all orders with an  Order Date Between 04-July-2015 and 09-July-2016 from the table Order Date
  • Select all orders with an  Order Date Between 04-July-2015 and 09-July-2016 from the table Orders


2.    A,B, C, D, E, F and G are playing cards sitting around a circular table D is not neighbor of C or E. A is neighbor of B and C,G who is second to the left of D, is the neighbor of E and F. Which of the following will be D’s position after E and D interchange their places?


  •  Neighbor of C and A
  • To the immediate left of C
  • To the immediate right of F
  • Neighbor of G & C


3. If the 25th of August in a year is Thursday, the number of Mondays in that month is _____.

  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 3



4.  A matrix of certain characters is given. These characters follows a certain trend, row-wise or column-wise. Find out this trend and choose the missing character accordingly










Select one

  • 32
  • 27
  • 25
  • 37


5. Select the appropriate JOIN for the below SQL, given that only those Customers records should come for whom Order(s) is there.


Select Orders.OrderID, Customers.CustomersName , Orders.OrderDate FROM Customers

_______JOIN Orders On Orders.CustermerID = Customers.CustomersID;




6.   If Raju is the son of the wife of the son of the father of Amrendra ’s father, how is Raju related to Amrendra, if Raju’s father has no brother?

  • Brother
  • Cousin
  • Either a or b
  • None of these


7.  In a certain code language ‘ simple interest’ is written as ‘ te ne ’, ,’ interest  free’ is written as ‘te ja’ and ‘free loan’ is written as ‘ja pa ’. How is ‘loan’  written in that code language?

  • Pa
  • Te
  • Ja
  • Ne


8.      n is any odd number greater than l, then n(n2-l) is :

  •  Divisible by 48 always
  • None of these
  • Divisible by 24 always
  • Divisible by 96 always


9.   In the series given below which one of the four option figures should come at ‘?’ if sequence is continued




10. The adjoining figure shows a set of concentric squares. If the diagonal of the innermost square is 2 units, and if the distance between the corresponding corners of any two successive squares  is 1 units , find the difference between the areas  of the eight and the seventh squares, counting from the innermost squares .



11.  A, B, C, D and E play  game of cards.  A says to  B,” If you give me 3 cards, you will have as many as I have  at this moment while if D takes 5 cards from you, he will have as many as E has”. A and C together have twice as  many cards as E has B and D together also have the same number of cards as A and C have taken together . If all together they have 150 cards, how many cards has C got?


  • 29
  • 35
  • 28
  • 31


12. The question consists of five figures marked P, Q, R, S and T called the problem figures followed by four other figures marked 1, 2, 3, 4 called Answer figures. Select a figure from amongst the answer figure which will continue the same series as established by the five problem figures.


  • 1
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2


13.   In the given question, choose the correct water image of the below figure from amongst options.


14.  Answer the given question based on the information given below

   A boy is asked to put in a basket one mango when ordered ‘one’, one orange when ordered, ‘two’, one apple  when ordered ‘three’ and is asked to take out from the basket one mango and on orange  when ordered ‘four’ .

 A  sequence of orders is given as :

1   2   3   3   2   1   4   2   3   1   4    2   2    3    3   1   4   1   1   3   2    3   4


How many total fruits will be in the basket at the above order sequence? 

  • 10
  • 9
  • 8
  • 11


15. A series of letters and numbers is given, the terms of which follow certain  pattern in groups. However , some  terms in the series are missing, which are given in the same order as one of the options  below the series.

Choose the correct option:


X  W  C __ T  S  20 __ P  12  __  L  15  K  __  P  __  G  S  7

  • 17, F, I, S, T
  • 21, G, L, N, F
  • 19, E, L, R, H
  • 23, H, K, O, H


16.   Read the information given below and then answer the following questions. six persons are sitting  in two rows in such a way that three persons sitting in each row are facing the persons of the other row.

Ø  Mahima is not sitting in the beginning of any row.

Ø  Jiya is second to the left of Arun

Ø  Mohit, who is the neighbor of Mahima is sitting diagonally opposite to Arun

Ø  Ashish is a neighbor of Jiya

Ø  Vishal is sitting to the immediate left of Mahima

Who among the following are sitting diagonally opposite to each other?


  • Jiya, Vishal
  • Arun, Mahima
  • Mohit, Ashish
  • Arun, Vishal



17.  The sheet of a paper shown in the below figure is folded  to form a box. Choose from amongst the alternatives (a), (b), (c) and (d), the boxes that are similar to the box that will be formed.


  • a , b  and  c only
  • b and c only
  • a, c and d only
  • d only


19.   All surfaces of a cube are colored. If a number of smaller cubes are taken out from it, each side 1/4 the size of the original cube’s side, indicate the number of cubes with only one side painted.

  • 16
  • 24
  • 32
  • 60



20.  The given question consists of five figures marked 1,2,3,4 and 5 called the problem figures. Select a figure amongst the alternatives  which will continue the same series as established by the five problem figures.





21.  Anita had to do a multiplication. Instead of taking 35 vas one of the multiples, she took    53. As a result, the product went up by 540. What is the new product?


  • 1050
  • 1590
  • 540
  • 1040



22.  The following question is based upon the alphabetical series given below:

           A   C  E  F  H  I  K  L  M  O  P  S  T  V   W  Y  Z

what will come in place of question(?) mark in the following series?

 AIKLMOPRZ                CKLMOPY        ELMOW           _____?_____



  • HMT
  • FMV
  • FLV


23.   Find the number of dots on the face opposite the face bearing 3 dots.




24.  P, Q, R, S, T, V and W  are seven friends who left for seven different destinations - Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chandigarh and Jaipur - each one on a different day of the week. R left for Jaipur on Monday. On the last day of the week the person left for Bangalore. T left the next day of P, who left for Chandigarh and on the previous day of W. S left for Kolkata on Friday. Q did not leave for either Hyderabad and Bangalore and W left for Delhi. Which of the following combination of person - place is not correct?(week begins with Monday)

  • T- Hyderabad
  • All are correct
  • R - Jaipur
  • P - Chandigarh


25.  I am facing east. I turn 100 degrees  in clockwise direction  and then 145 degrees in anticlockwise direction. Which direction am I facing now?


  • North
  • South - East
  • North - East
  • East


26.  The number of ways of selecting 10 balls out of an unlimited number of white, red, blue and green balls is ______.


  • 84
  • 270
  • 86
  • 286


27.    Four  cities are connected by a road network as shown in figure, in how many ways can you start  from city A and come back to it without travelling on the same road more than once?



  • 6
  • 16
  • 8
  • 12 

28.  In a certain rearrangement code ‘space travel is the wonder of twentieth century’ is coded as ‘twentieth century is the travel wonder of space’. Which of the following would be decoded as ‘invent acceptable explanation to justify your rude behavior’?


  • Rude behavior explanation to acceptable justify your invert
  • Rude behavior to justify your invent acceptable explanation
  • Rude  behavior explanation  to invent acceptable justify your
  • Your rude behavior to justify invent acceptable explanation



29.   Complete  the given series : 2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8,  10, 11,(__)


  • 10
  • 12
  • 11
  • 9


30.   Study the following information carefully to answer the question given below.

Ø  ‘A$B’ means ‘A is mother of B’

Ø  ‘A#B’ means ‘A is the father of B’

Ø  ‘A@B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’

Ø  ‘A%B’ means ‘A is daughter of B’

P @Q$M#T indicates what relationship of P with T?


  • None of these
  • Material  Grandfather
  • Grandson
  • Paternal Grandfather



31.  The position of the first and the fifth digits in the number 52874691 are interchanged. Similarly, the positions of  the second and the sixth digits are interchanged, and so on. Which of the following will be the third digit from the right end after the rearrangement?

  •   6
  • 7
  • 2
  • 8

32.  These positions of a dice are given below, Identify the number at the bottom when top is 6.



33.  A matrix of certain characters is given. These characters follow a certain trend row-wise or column-wise . Find out this trend  and choose the missing character from the given options.





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