Maersk - Aptitude

01.       Aptitude

1.   If 4m x 2m = 163, then m = _________.

o  5

o  3

o  4

o  6

2.   The mean of 5 numbers is 14. If one number is excluded, then the mean of the remaining numbers becomes 14.5. Find the excluded number.

o  10

o  18

o  15

o  12

3.   The average of 5 district positive numbers in the system is 56. The numbers are arranged in ascending order. If the middle term is 40, then what can be the largest number?

o  90

o  196

o  150

o  56

4.   By selling an item for Rs. 864, a shopkeeper earns a profit of 8%, then the cost price is:

o  Rs. 800

o  Rs. 824

o  Rs. 600

o  Rs. 864

5.   A shopkeeper was selling all his items at 20% discount. During off season, he offered 25% discount over and above the existing discount. If Rohit had bought a pullover which was marked Rs. 1200, then how much did he pay for it?

o  Rs. 720

o  Rs. 700

o  Rs. 820

o  Rs. 740

6.   The cost of a new television set is Rs. 22000. Its value depreciates every year at the rate of 20%. What will the depreciated price be after two years?

o  Rs. 16000

o  Rs. 14800

o  Rs. 18800

o  Rs. 14080

7.   If x is a positive number, which of the following expression has the greatest value?

o  x ÷ 3/10

o  x x 3/10

o  x x 1/5

o  x ÷ 1/5

8.   Find a number whose double is 84 more than its half.

o  56

o  48

o  72

o  64

9.   By what number should we multiply – (1/5) so that the product may be 9/25?

o  5/9

o  9/5

o  -9/5

o  -5/9

10.        The population of a town 2 years ago was 35600. Due to immigration to other places, if the number of people decreases every year at the rate of 5% per annum, find its present population.

o  33519

o  33726

o  322568

o  32129

11.        If A, B, C, D are distinct numbers from {1, 2, 3, 4} such that A/BC/D=1, then the value of BD is:

o  6

o  4

o  3

o  2

12.        If the mean of 5, 7, 8, 9, x, 14 is 9, then the value of x is:

o  13

o  15

o  14

o  11

13.        What is the square of the cube of 6?

o  65

o  68

o  66

o  69

14.        Renu is x year old. Her sister Beena is 5 year older to her. If their ages add up to 35, then Beena’s age is:

o  Multiple of 5

o  Multiple of 7

o  Divisible by 9

o  Multiple of 3

15.        If a is the average of the following 6 numbers 44, 444, 844, 1244, 1644 and 2044, then a is _________.

o  944

o  1144

o  1044

o  1244

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