Reasoning Ability


1.  Statement: Of all the radio sets manufactured in India, the ‘X’ brand has the largest sale.


I.               The sale of all the radio sets manufactured in India is known.

II.            The manufacturing of no other radio set in India is as large as ’X’ brand radio.

o  Only assumption I is implicit

o  Only assumption II is implicit

o  Either I or II is implicit

o  Neither I nor II is implicit

o  Both I and II are implicit


2.  The criminal justice system needs to change. The system could be more just if it allowed victims the opportunity to confront the person who has harmed them. Also, mediation between victims and their offenders would give the offenders a chance to apologize for the harm they have done.

This paragraph best supports the statement that victims of a crime should:

o  Learn to forgive their offenders.

o  Have the right to confront the offenders

o  Learn the art of mediation.

o  Insist that their offenders be punished.

o  Have the right to impose a sentence on their offenders.


3.  If A and B can do a piece of work in 7.5 days. If B works ½ of work and remaining work was completed by A, taking total time of 20 days to complete the work. If B is more efficient then B can do the work in how many days?

o  11

o  10

o  20

o  8


4.  A few buy National Saving Certificates each year whose worth surpasses the earlier years by Rs.400.Following 8 years, she finds that she has obtained declarations whose aggregate face worth is Rs. 48000. What is the face estimation of the Certificates acquired by her in the first years?

o  4300

o  4400

o  4500

o  4600


5.  The only true education comes through the stimulation of the child’s powers by the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself. Through these demands he is stimulated to act as a member of a unity to emerge from his original narrowness of action and feeling and to conceive himself from the standpoint of the welfare of the group to which he belongs.

The passage best supports the statement that real education:

o  Will take place if the children imbibe action and feeling

o  Will take place if the children are physically strong

o  Is not provided in our schools today

o  Comes through the interaction with social situations

o  Comes from the self-centred approach of the students


6.  In a certain code language, the word ROAD is written as WTFI. Following the same rule of coding what should be the word for the code XJFQ?





o  None of these


7.  If an integer n is divisible by 3,5 and 12, what is the next larger integer divisible by all these numbers?

o  n+3

o  n+5

o  n+12

o  n+60


8.  Nine persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I are watching a movie in a theatre sitting in a row facing North, B is at one end of the row. H is seated adjacent to both F and G. C is to immediate right of D and at the third place to the right of E. A is immediate left of F. F is at the third place to the left of B.

Who is sitting at the centre of the row?

o  R

o  A

o  F

o  H


9.  Determine the probability that a digit chosen at random from the digits 1, 2, 3, …12 will be odd.

o  2-Jan

o  9-Jan

o  9-May

o  9-Apr


10.      A polygon has 104 diagonals. Determine the number of sides.

o  8

o  16

o  7

o  10


11.      Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V belong to the same family. There are two couples in the family. Parents of every children’s are alive. R is the sister of Q. T is brother of U. P is father of U. V is mother of Q. S is mother-in-law of V. U is a female. How is Q related to T.

o  Son

o  Daughter

o  Nephew

o  Niece

o  Can’t be determined


12.      Cotton acreage in India during the current year has fallen by 15% as cotton growers have moved on to cultivation of other cash crops. This is the result of the cotton glut in world markets in post September 2008 and the consequent slowdown in the world economy. But this scenario brought with it benefits to one segment of the industry yam manufacturers as they got higher prices for their produce. Some yam manufacturers too had stuck up on low-priced cotton last year. The combined effect of all this is evident in the rise in net profits and net margins of yam manufacturers. Which of the following will strengthen the following statement? “The farmers will again grow cotton next year due to increased price of cotton yam.”

o  Govt. plans to increase subsidy on cash crops including cotton

o  There is a high alert in entire Europe due to terrorist threats

o  Alternative cash crops are evergreen and unaffected by an economic slowdown

o  Govt. is planning to import more cotton from abroad.

o  None of these


13.      What is the remainder when the square of N is divided by 5?

1) N divided by 5 leaves a remainder 3

2) N is an even number

o  Question can be answered using statement 1 alone but cannot be answered using statement 2 alone

o  Question can be answered using statement 2 alone but cannot be answered using statement 1 alone

o  Question can be answered using both statements together but cannot be answered using either statement alone

o  NA


14.      The median house value in Butlerville has fallen significantly in the last few months. Nonetheless, the number of homes sold has been at its lowest level in seven years. Which of the following best explains the discrepancy?

o  The value of homes is not the only determinant of whether a house has been sold.

o  The neighboring city of Jackson burg has seen a recent surge in home sales

o  The Butlerville economy is struggling and the unemployment rate has reached historic rates.

o  Analysis predict that the number of homes sold will be increasing in the coming year

o  Homes priced over a million dollars have seen the sharpest decline in sales


15.      One food writer wrote that reducing the amount of animal products in one’s diet can contribute to better health and well-being. Based on this claim, some people are completely eliminating meat from their diets in order to be healthier. The argument above relies on which of the following assumptions?

o  Increasing the amount of vegetables and grains in one’s diet can contribute to better health.

o  There will be no corresponding increase in the amount of dairy products in the diets of those who are eliminating meat.

o  Most food writers believe that some amount of animal products is necessary to a health diet

o  Not all healthy lifestyles require a vegetarian diet

o  Many people who do not eat animal products make decisions for health reasons


16.      A university study showed that women who spent more money on their exercise clothes went to the gym more often. However, the women who spent more money on their exercise clothes did not lose more weight that the women who spent less money on their exercise clothes.

Which of the following statements does NOT help to explain the results of the study?

o  The women who spent more money on their exercise clothes did not exercise as hard as those who spent less money because they were too concerned about looking good at the gym.

o  The women who spent less money on their exercise clothes worked out more frequently than those who spent more; they just did not work out as frequently at the gym.

o  The woman who spent more money on their exercise clothes focused their workouts more on strength training and less on fat and/or calorie burning exercise.

o  The women who spent more money on their exercise clothes were, on average, already at their local weight.

o   The women who spent more money on their exercise clothes had higher memberships in weight loss program.

o  NA


17.      Kathryn has a higher GPA than Pamela. Madelyn has a higher GPA than Adrienne. Shane has a higher GPA than Madelyn. Thus, it follows that Kathryn has a higher GPA than Adrienne.

Which of the following, If introduced into the argument as an additional premise, makes the argument above logically incorrect?

o  Madelyn has a higher GPA than Katherine.

o  Katherine has a higher GPA than Madelyn.

o  Adrienne has a higher GPA than Pamela.

o  Pamela has a higher GPA than Madelyn.

o  Adrienne has a higher GPA than Shane.

o  NA


18.      What is area of right angled triangle ABC,

1) Length of AB is 5cm

2) Length of BC is 12cm

o  Question can be answered using statement 1 alone but cannot be answered using statement 2 alone

o  Question can be answered using statement 2 alone but cannot be answered using statement 1 alone

o  Question can be answered using both statements together but cannot be answered using either statement alone

o  Question cannot be answered even using both the statements together

o  NA


19.      Vegetarians tend to live longer than people who eat meal. This does not show that vegetarianism causes people to live longer because vegetarians as agroup tend to exercise more regularly than meat eaters. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument above?

o  A vegetarian who does not exercise regularly is more likely to start exercising than a person who eats meat.

o  Among vegetarians, most of those who start to exercise regularly early in life tend to maintain the practice later in life.

o  Among people who exercise regularly, those who do not eat meat tend to live as long as those who eat meat.

o  Vegetarianism tends to cause people to engage in other healthy habits besides regular exercise.

o  A person who eats meat and gives up regular exercise is much more likely than a vegetarian to never resume regular exercise.

o  NA


20.      The Department of Safe Transportation reported that 73% of all accidents involve people who are supposed to wear glasses or contact lenses. We can reduce car accidents if department employees ask drivers whether they wear glasses or contact lenses and make a notation on the driver’s license, every time drivers renew their license. The argument is flawed because it fails to consider that

o  Drivers who are supposed to wear glasses or contact lenses will wear them while driving

o  Driver’s license renewals will catch a fair number of drivers who have not notified the Department that they are required to wear glasses or contact lenses while driving

o  Drivers who are supposed to wear glasses or contact lenses are not aware of it.

o  A vision test will let drivers know that they need to see an ophthalmologist.

o  The departments of transportation in other states will not implement the same policy.

o  NA


21.      People between the ages of 40 and 50 purchase more vacations to Mexico than any other age group. Therefore, the Mexico Tourist Board should convince hotels and resorts in Mexico to offer more family friendly packages and services.

Which of the following indicates a flaw in the reasoning above?

o  The author assumes that the majority of people between the ages of 40 and 50 have children.

o  The author assumes that the majority of people between the ages of 40 and 50 want family friendly vacation.

o  The author assumes that the majority of people between the ages of 40 and 50 are married.

o  The author does not supply information about people in other age groups.

o  The author assumes that the majority of people between the ages of 40 and 50 can afford a vacation in Mexico.

o  NA

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