Reasoning Ability

 1.  The median house value in Butlerville has fallen significantly in the last few months. Nonetheless, the number of homes sold has been at its lowest level in seven years. Which of the following best explains the discrepancy?

o  The value of homes is not the only determinant of whether a house has been sold.

o  The neighboring city of Jackson burg has seen a recent surge in home sales

o  The Butlerville economy is struggling and the unemployment rate has reached historic rates.

o  Analysis predict that the number of homes sold will be increasing in the coming year

o  Homes priced over a million dollars have seen the sharpest decline in sales

2.  People between the ages of 40 and 50 purchase more vacations to Mexico than any other age group. Therefore, the Mexico Tourist Board should convince hotels and resorts in Mexico to offer more family friendly packages and services.

Which of the following indicates a flaw in the reasoning above?

o  The author assumes that the majority of people between the ages of 40 and 50 have children.

o  The author assumes that the majority of people between the ages of 40 and 50 want family friendly vacation.

o  The author assumes that the majority of people between the ages of 40 and 50 are married.

o  The author does not supply information about people in other age groups.

o  The author assumes that the majority of people between the ages of 40 and 50 can afford a vacation in Mexico.

o  NA

3.  The Department of Safe Transportation reported that 73% of all accidents involve people who are supposed to wear glasses or contact lenses. We can reduce car accidents if department employees ask drivers whether they wear glasses or contact lenses and make a notation on the driver’s license, every time drivers renew their license. The argument is flawed because it fails to consider that

o  Drivers who are supposed to wear glasses or contact lenses will wear them while driving

o  Driver’s license renewals will catch a fair number of drivers who have not notified the Department that they are required to wear glasses or contact lenses while driving

o  Drivers who are supposed to wear glasses or contact lenses are not aware of it.

o  A vision test will let drivers know that they need to see an ophthalmologist.

o  The departments of transportation in other states will not implement the same policy.

o  NA

4.  A university study showed that women who spent more money on their exercise clothes went to the gym more often. However, the women who spent more money on their exercise clothes did not lose more weight that the women who spent less money on their exercise clothes.

Which of the following statements does NOT help to explain the results of the study?

o  The women who spent more money on their exercise clothes did not exercise as hard as those who spent less money because they were too concerned about looking good at the gym.

o  The women who spent less money on their exercise clothes worked out more frequently than those who spent more; they just did not work out as frequently at the gym.

o  The women who spent more money on their exercise clothes focused their workouts more on strength training and less on fat and/or calorie burning exercise.

o  The women who spent more money on their exercise clothes were, on average, already at their local weight.

o   The women who spent more money on their exercise clothes had higher memberships in weight loss program.

o  NA

5.  The Dvorak keyboard requires less finger movement than the ubiquitous QWERTY keyboard.. As a result, Dvorak keyboard users are not only able to type more words per minute, but are also less vulnerable to both repetitive stress disorder and carpal tunnel syndrome. Nonetheless, businesses, as well as consumers, have not adopted the Dvorak keyboard. Clearly, if the Dvorak keyboard is to become more widely used, its benefits must be more widely touted. Which of the following, if true, most threatens the author's conclusion?

o  The initial cost of manufacturing a Dvorak keyboard will be more expensive than that of a QWERTY keyboard.

o  Many who have attempted using a Dvorak keyboard claim that learning the configuration of keys takes weeks.

o  Those suffering from repetitive stress injuries often attribute the injuries to multiple factors.

o  Businesses that have educated employees on the benefits of the Dvorak keyboard, have found that employees continue to use the Qwerty keyboard.

o  Businesses have found that many employees who believe the Qwerty keyboard is responsible for stress-induced injuries are unaware of the Dvorak keyboard.

6.  Millipoint is a large city that employs many people from the surrounding suburban communities. Suburban Commute Transportation Company must expand its services for the increasing number of people who commute to Milli point. Suburban Commute could replace its trains with double decker trains, add 10% more ferries, or add 25% more buses. Trains typically spend the least amount of time in traffic, which is important because they run every 15 minutes. Ferries have a capacity of 75 people apiece. Buses have a capacity of about 50 people apiece and tend to spend time in traffic. After considering all options, Suburban Commute decided to replace its trains with double-decker trains. Which of the following, if true, could represent the most serious disadvantage for Suburban Commute's plan?

o  Two new highways were constructed that lead into Milli point.

o  Double-decker trains require twice the amount of boarding time as single level trains.

o  A competitor has significantly increased its use of the same train tracks that Suburban Commute uses.

o  Double-decker trains running against rush hour traffic tend to be nearly empty

o  Double-decker ferries are available.

o  NA

7.  Cotton acreage in India during the current year has fallen by 15% as cotton growers have moved on to cultivation of other cash crops. This is the result of the cotton glut in world markets in post September 2008 and the consequent slowdown in the world economy. But this scenario brought with it benefits to one segment of the industry yam manufacturers as they got higher prices for their produce. Some yam manufacturers too had stuck up on low-priced cotton last year. The combined effect of all this is evident in the rise in net profits and net margins of yam manufacturers. Which of the following will strengthen the following statement? “The farmers will again grow cotton next year due to increased price of cotton yam.”

o  Govt. plans to increase subsidy on cash crops including cotton

o  There is a high alert in entire Europe due to terrorist threats

o  Alternative cash crops are evergreen and unaffected by an economic slowdown

o  Govt. is planning to import more cotton from abroad.

o  None of these

8.  What is the remainder when the square of N is divided by 5?

1) N divided by 5 leaves a remainder 3

2) N is an even number

o  Question can be answered using statement 1 alone but cannot be answered using statement 2 alone

o  Question can be answered using statement 2 alone but cannot be answered using statement 1 alone

o  Question can be answered using both statements together but cannot be answered using either statement alone

o  NA

9.  There are 85 people in the town who attend either meeting X or meeting Y or both. How many attend meeting X?

1) 35 of them attend meeting X only

2) 47 of them attend meeting Y only

o  Question can be answered using statement 1 alone but cannot be answered using statement 2 alone

o  Question can be answered using statement 2 alone but cannot be answered using statement 1 alone

o  Question can be answered using both statements together but cannot be answered using either statement alone

o  Question cannot be answered even using both the statements together

o  NA


10.      Kathryn has a higher GPA than Pamela. Madelyn has a higher GPA than Adrienne. Shane has a higher GPA than Madelyn. Thus, it follows that Kathryn has a higher GPA than Adrienne.

Which of the following, if introduced into the argument as an additional premise, makes the argument above logically incorrect?

o  Madelyn has a higher GPA than Katherine.

o  Katherine has a higher GPA than Madelyn.

o  Adrienne has a higher GPA than Pamela.

o  Pamela has a higher GPA than Madelyn.

o  Adrienne has a higher GPA than Shane.

o  NA

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