Sigmoid - Behavioral Assessment

Behavioral Assessment

1.  Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


It is important to achieve what one aims for.


It is okay not to achieve everything one aims for.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


2.  Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I do not get involved in others’ problems till absolutely necessary.


I go out of my way to help others who seem like they need it.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


3.  Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


It is easier to work with people whose opinions are similar to mine.


I enjoy working with people whose opinions are different from mine.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


4.  Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I am mostly sure things at work will go as I want.


I fear sometimes things at work will not go as I want.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


5.  Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I don’t like to be in a group where I don’t know anybody.


I don’t need to know anybody to be comfortable in a group.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


6.  Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I try not thinking about frustrating situations too much.


I tend to spend a lot of time thinking about frustrating situations.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


7.  Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I generally consider change to be inconvenient.


I find change refreshing.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


8.  Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I prefer working on imaginative ideas.


I prefer working on realistic ideas.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


9.  Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


It is best to keep conversations to the point.


It is always nice to have informal conversations with people.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


10.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I do not mind skipping some steps that I find unnecessary.


I always follow standard procedures when completing a task.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


11.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


When I see my colleagues upset, I try to make them feel better.


I wait for colleagues to share their worries with me before I offer help.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


12.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I help new joinees only when I am told to do so.


I actively help new joinees to adjust at the workplace.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


13.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I like to get along with those people who hold different values than me.


I prefer being with those people who hold similar values.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


14.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


When someone disappoints me, I easily forget about it.


When someone disappoints me, I take some time to forget about it.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


15.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


When wronged by others, I find it hard to let go.


When wronged by others, I tend to forgive easily.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


16.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I easily get affected by what others say.


Things that people say do not affect me.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


17.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


Most people are dishonest than honest.


People are generally honest.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


18.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I am well aware if the aspects I need to develop in myself.


I look up to others to help me identify my areas of development.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


19.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I try to make a good impression in the presence of others.


I feel comfortable being myself in the presence of others.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


20.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I look forward to change.


I am usually indifferent to change.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


21.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I prefer taking up tasks that really challenge me.


I prefer taking up tasks I am sure I would be able to complete.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


22.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


When I am sure I am right about something, I go ahead with my decisions.


I go with the group’s decision even when I am sure that I am right.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


23.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I prefer doing tasks using new methods.


I prefer doing tasks using methods I know will surely work.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


24.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I feel that my success is a result of my good luck.


I feel that my success is a result of my ability.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


25.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


It is good to always keep oneself busy.


I is okay to relax once in a while.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


26.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I can easily guess what others are thinking.


It is difficult for me to guess what is going on inside another person’s mind.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


27.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I share credit with the others even if I did most of the work.


I think I deserve credit if I have done most of the work myself.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


28.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I would rather have some free time and not have a lot to do.


I would rather be busy and have a lot to do.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


29.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


In meetings, I prefer to lead the discussion.


In meetings, I prefer to listen.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


30.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I try to always understand how others will react to situations.


I do not spend much time thinking about how others will react to situations.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


31.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


People usually put their own well-being first.


People are more concerned about each other’s well-being.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


32.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I believe that people who work together should know each other socially.


I believe that it is best to keep one’s work and private lives separate.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


33.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I deserve praise because of my achievements at work.


I don’t always expect to be praised for my achievements.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


34.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


My colleagues would say I am cheerful.


My colleagues would say I am serious.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


35.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I wish my life was different in some ways.


I am satisfied with my life at present.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


36.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I excel at avoiding risks.


I excel at identifying opportunities out of risks.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


37.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I think carefully about outcomes before making any decisions.


I prefer making quick and timely decisions.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


38.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I avoid taking up tasks I am not sure of.


I am sure of completing any task I set out to do.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


39.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I prefer doing activities that I know I am good at.


I generally try new activities even if I may not be good at them.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


40.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I hold my opinion strongly when people disagree with me.


I am willing to change my opinion when people disagree with me.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


41.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I do not let others feeling affect my behavior.


I behave based on how others are feeling.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


42.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I prefer to work in a non-competitive environment.


Competition brings out the best in me.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


43.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


Most people have good intentions for everyone.


Most people focus first on personal gain.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


44.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I get my work done efficiently even without much planning.


I plan my tasks to work efficiently.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


45.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I never let others take advantage of me.


Sometimes people take unfair advantage of me.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


46.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I always follow rules and regulations strictly.


I do not mind bending the rules if necessary.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


47.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


It is better to address conflict directly.


It is better to avoid conflict.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


48.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I express myself in a carefree manner.


I choose my words with care.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


49.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I have clear goals for what I want to achieve in life.


I don’t always make clear goals for what I want to achieve.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


50.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


It is not easy for me to negotiate with members of the group.


I can easily negotiate with other members of the group.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


51.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I take my time to get comfortable with new people.


I get along well with new people immediately.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


52.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I prefer working on the same thing until I have mastered it.


I prefer working on new and different problems each time.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


53.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I think a lot before working on a new task.


I quickly start working on new ideas.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


54.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I tend to recover from failures quickly.


I take time to get back to normal after failures.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


55.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


It takes me a while to understand the mood of others.


I can easily guess the mood of others.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


56.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


It is the risk that makes a task interesting to do.


A risky task is usually not worth doing.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


57.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I prefer variety over routine.


I prefer routine over variety.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


58.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I have an active imagination.


I try to keep my thoughts directed along realistic lines.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


59.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I would jump on a new task if it is more interesting than my existing task.


I would finish off existing tasks even if a new interesting task came up.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


60.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I focus on my work and rarely let my mind wander.


I am constantly imagining new ideas.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


61.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I offer assistance to others on my own.


I don’t offer assistance until I am not asked directly.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


62.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I would rather follow ideas which have led to good results in the past.


I am open to work with new ideas, even if they don’t lead to expected results.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


63.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I don’t get affected by colleagues with a negative mind-set.


I get bothered by colleagues who are too negative.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


64.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I would rather finish off boring tasks first.


I would rather delay working on boring tasks.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


65.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I prefer to maintain formal relationships with people.


I prefer to develop personal relationships with people at work.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


66.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I do not overthink before expressing myself.


I collect my thoughts before expressing myself.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


67.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I am able to adapt quickly when sudden changes occur.


I take some time to adapt with sudden changes.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


68.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I usually initiate conversations with others.


I usually wait for others to start conversations.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


69.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I often have a hard time saying no to others.


I can easily say no to others.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


70.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I am quick to forgive others.


I forgive only after the other person apologizes.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


71.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


It is better to achieve great things than to be satisfied with what you have now.


It is better to be happy with what you have than try to achieve too much.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


72.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I do not understand why people get so upset during problems.


I do not understand how people stay relaxed during problems.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


73.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I compromise with others even when I know I am right.


I find it hard to compromise with others when I  think I am right.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


74.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I create schedules and follow them.


I take each day as it comes.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


75.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I would rather enjoy life than work hard to achieve goals.


Working hard to achieve goals makes me happy.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


76.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I would rather say things which will make people happy.


I would rather say what I feel is right.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


77.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I prefer planning ahead.


I prefer plans made on the spur of the moment.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


78.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I do well at jobs where I need to work on my own.


I do well at jobs which involve regular interactions with others.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


79.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I tend to be cautious about happy outcomes.


I often expect good things to happen.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


80.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I like to work with people from different countries.


I am more comfortable working with people from my own country.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


81.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I look forward to attending social events at work.


I find social events at work distracting.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


82.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I prefer a fast-paced work environment.


I prefer a relaxed work environment.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


83.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I usually look at the bright side of things.


I usually see things for what they truly are.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


84.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


Being right is more important in a team.


Being cooperative is more important in a team.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


85.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I tend to focus on what others are thinking.


I tend to focus more on my thoughts rather than focusing on others.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


86.                Choose the option under the statement which is most applicable to you


I would rather take on achievable targets at work.


At work, I like to take on challenging targets to achieve.

o  Most Like Me

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Neutral

o  Somewhat Like Me

o  Most Like Me


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