Tredence: Aptitude + Pseudo Code

1.  What is the output of the following C++ code:

#include <iostream>

          int x:;

          int main()


                int y;

               std : :  cout  <<x<< std  : : endl;

               std : : cout  <<y<< std  : : endl;

              return 0;


·        Double max

·        0 0

·        Undefined

·        None of these


2. What is the output of the following C++:



      using namespace std ;


    int main (int argc, const char * argv [] ) {

           int a = 20, b = 0, c = 8, i = 0;

           i = b < a < c;

           cout<< i << endl;

           return 0;


·       0

·       1

·       8

·       20


3. What is the output of the following C++ code:





 using namespace std ;

int main()


            string s =   “ welcome to hacker erath”;

s.erase(remove (s.begin(), s.end(),    ‘), s.end() );

cout <<  s  <<  endl;



·       Welcome

·       HakerEarth

·       Welcometo

·       WelcometoHackerErath



4.  What is the output of the following C++:



      using namespace std ;


      int main()


            int a;

            a=(false||true) && false || true;

            cout <<a;



·       false

·       0

·       1

·       Compilation fails



5. If an array begins from 1200 in the memory, what is the output of the following code:

 #include <stdio.h>


int main ()


            int arr[] = { 2, 3, 4, 1, 6};

            printf(”%u, %u,%u, \n”, arr, &arr[0], &arr);

            return 0 ;



·       1200, 1202, 1204

·       1200, 1204, 1208

·       1200, 1202, 1200

·       1200, 1200, 1200



6.  What is the output of the following C code:

  #include <stdio.h>


    int main()


            static int array[] = { ‘c’, ‘a’, ‘t’, ‘s’ };

            int i, *v;

            v = &array[3] - 3;

            for( i = 0; i < 3; i++);


            printf(”%c”, array[i], v[i]);




·       cat cat

·       cats cats

·       cat

·       None of these



7.  What is the output of the following code:




void main()


            int x = 20, y , z;

           y = x = 10;

            z = x < 20;

            printf(”%d, %d, %d”, z, x, y);


·       10,0,10

·       1,10,10

·       10,10,1

·       0,10,10



8. What is the output of the following C code:

 #include <stdio.h>


void main()


            int  x = 4, z = 3;

            int y = (x<<3) + (~z) - (++x);

            printf(” %d\n”, y);



·       0

·       -1

·       23

·       2



9.   What is the output of the following C code:

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


            int a = 1, b= -1, c;

            c = a++  +  b;

            printf(”%d, %d”, a, b);



·       -2,1

·       -1,-1

·       2,1

·       2,-1



10.  What is the output of the following C code:


#include <stdio.h>


void main()


            int x = -1, y = 0, z = 5;

            int a = x && (y) || z++;

            printf(”%d”, z);



·       0

·       5

·       6

·       7


11.  The following bar graph represents the sales of water bottles (in thousands of units) by different domestic companies in India between 2012 - 2017. In which year was the market share of Pluto Water the highest?(Market share = Total sales of the company /Total sales of all the companies)


·       2012

·       2013

·       2014

·       2015



12.  The following pie chart represents the distribution of profit earned through the sales of Medtronic cardiovascular stents in the European countries in 2016-17.(Data points are vin degrees)


If the overall profit was $16,10,230, then what is the overall profit earned through the sales of stents in Austria?


·       $142,312.45

·       $143,131.55

·       $123,523.25

·       $142,323.25



13.   The following graph represent  the  expenditure of the top five automobile companies on R&D (Research & Development) and the percentage of revenue spend on R&D (Research & Development) in 2007.


By what percent is the revenue of General  Motors  than of Honda ?

·       56.35%

·       62.5%

·       64.25%

·       58.25%

14.  The  following bar graph  represents the exports of the cotton ( in million kilograms) made by different South Asian countries in the specific time period.


What is the percentage increase or decrease in the export of cotton made by Bhutan between 2014 and 2016-17?


·       2% decrease

·       6% decrease

·       5% decrease

·       3% decrease


15.  The following pie charts represent the sales of different automobile  companies  in two consecutive years. What percent greater is the sales of Ford in 2016 than the sales of Maruti in 2017?


·       140%

·       220%

·       42.33%

·       162%


16.  The following graphs represents the number of units  of diamond  sets sold by jewelry store between years 2010 to2014 and the revenue generated per unit in the same period. What was the percentage increase in the revenue between 2011 to 2012?

·       41.67%

·       35.55%

·       43.45%

·       29.25%


17. The following table represents the number of first-class runs  scored by batsmen of the Indian Cricket team between the years 2012-13 and 2016-2017.


What was the total number of runs scored by all the batsmen between years 2013 - 2014?

·       5227

·       4277

·       5117

·       6337


18.  A sum of INR1800 yields interest of INR7200. The rate of interest is same as the time taken in the process.

What is the rate of interest?

·       21%

·       24%

·       18%

·       20%


19.  A student has to secure 40% marks to pass. He gets 160 marks and secure 20 marks more than passing marks required. Calculate the maximum number of marks.

·       400

·       300

·       500

·       350 


20.  Bob can complete a certain job in 12 days. Tara is 60%more efficient than Bob. How many days will Tara alone take to complete the same job?


·       15/2

·       7/2

·       9/2

·       11/2



21.  John borrows a sum of money from Paul at 20% simple interest. John returns INR6000 at the end of the first year and clears his debt by returning INR7200 at the end of the second year.


What is the sum that Rahul borrowed?

·       INR 12000

·       INR 10000

·       INR 14000

·       INR 9000


22.  Simplify the following:



·       1

·       2

·       3

·       None of these


23.  Simplify the following expression:

3 - 3(3) + 3(-2) - 3 of 2/ 3 / 2 x 3 x 2 + 3(5)

·       -1

·       -3

·       -5

·       -7


24.  The sum of a rational number and its reciprocal is 13/6. Find the number.

·       2/3

·       3/2

·       Both of these

·       None of these



25.   What the  simple interest earned from a sum of 1000 at the end of 5 years. If the rate of interest foe first 2 years in 10%, the rate of interest for 3rd and 4th year is 20% and the rate  of rate of interest for the  5th year is 30%?


·       INR 500

·       INR 640

·       INR 900

·       INR 1000


26.  One year ago,the ratio of Mike’s and Bob’s age was 6:7 respectively. Four years later, this ratio would become 7:8. How old is Bob?


·       36 years

·       34 years

·       45 years

·       56 years


27.  If we toss a coin  and get heads we toss the coin again whereas, if we get tails then we stop. What is the probability that the coin will be tossed 3 times and stopped on the 4th try?


·       1/16

·       1/8

·       1/4

·       1/12


28. We have 3LED bulbs all of which can glow red, blue and green at random instances. What is the probability of 2 bulbs glowing red and 3rd bulb not glowing red ?


·       1/27

·       2/27

·       4/27

·       8/27



29.  From  a box  of 8 guns and 4 bombs, 5 weapons  are chosen for the surgical  strike.


What is the number of possible  selections such that guns should be in majority?


·       17472

·       672

·       792

·       22572


30.  There are three places Bihar, West Bengal and Jharkhand such that seven roads connect Bihar and West Bengal and nine  roads connect West Bengal and Jharkhand.

In how many ways one can travel from Bihar to Jharkhand?


·       C(16,9)

·       63

·       112

·       P(16,9)


31.  The reminders of three numbers, when divided by P, is 61, 67 and 79 respectively. The reminder of tge resultant sum of these numbers, when divided by P is 11. Which of the following is the valid values of P?


·       28

·       49

·       138

·       More than one value is possible


32.  Two friends Alice and Bob have applied for a job in the same company. The possibility that Alice and Bob get selected for this job is 3/11 and 2/5 respectively. What is the probability that both of  them get selected for the job?


·       6/55

·       1/5

·       37/55

·       4/7


33.  Average price of 850 mobile  phones  is 13000. If the average price of first 15 mobile phones is 30000 and that  of the next 35 mobile phones is 10000.

What is the average price of the rest of the phones?


·       12812.5

·       121815.5

·       12612.5

·       12822.5


34.  If Bob spends 25/2% of a certain amount and his expenditure  is 80USD,then what is the total amount of money?


·       492 USD

·       500 USD

·       640 USD

·       None of these


35.  A bank gives a loan of amount INR 3 lakhs  to a man at the rate of 8% p.a.simple interest . After every  three years, the rate becomes double for the same amount of money.

What is the total amount the man will have to pay after 8 years?


·        INR 3,60,000

·        INR 4,92,000

·        INR 6,60,000

·        INR 6,20,000


36. In Statistics, consider the following image of a scatter plot representing the scores of students in two  sections of a test. The x-axis represents the marks scored in data interpretation (DI) and the y axis represents the marks scored in quantitative (Quant) aptitude section of the test.

How would you describe the scores of the indicated group of students which are marked in the red circle :


·       High DI and Low Quant

·       Low DI and Low Quant

·       High DI and Low Quant

·       Low DI and High Quant



37.  Daniel completes a task in 10 days and Lisa completes the same task in 15 days. In how days can they  complete the task if they work together?


·       5

·       6

·       7

·       8


38.   Which  of the following sentences is  incorrect?


·       Please excuse the trouble

·       He took pains over his work

·       We went for a play yesterday

·       Scouts wear shorts


39.  Which  of the following sentences is  incorrect?


·       Open your book at page six

·       He is in class ninth

·       This article costs ten dollars

·       He came a second time


40.  The salesman showed off his latest acquisition to the eager crowd, claiming it was an amazing kitchen gadget with a ______


·       Foreign

·       Literary

·       False

·       Dual



41.   Which  of the following sentences is  incorrect?


·       The boy who does best he will get a prize

·       He and I are brothers

·       Who did this? I

·       No error


42.   Identify the errors, if any, in the following  deconstructed sentence:

1.    Although the beaver’s hint feet

2.    are webbed for swimming

3.    their front feet

4.    are small


·       1

·       2

·       3

·       4



43.  Which  of the following sentences is  incorrect?


·       I spend the holidays with my family

·       Gone him some blotting paper

·       Write this in your note book

·       No error


44.  Identify the errors, if any, in the following  deconstructed sentence:

1.    One of the

2.    best lawyers in town

3.    have been

4.    hired


·       1

·       2

·       3

·       4



45.  Which of the following will you use to complete this sentence:

Let us _____________.

·       Introvert

·       Alternate

·       Atheist

·       Altruist


46.  Which of the following sentences fragment is incorrect?


·       He got into bad company

·       One of my servant tells me

·       Some of my servants tell me

·       The front of the house


47.  What is the best alternative for the phrase that is highlighted in the following  sentence:


The lions,a strong offensive team,compete against the cowboys, they play though defence


·       Cowboys, they play 

·       Cowboys, who  play

·       Cowboys,  playing

·       Cowboys, having played



48. The following pie chart represents the distribution of profit earned through the sales of Medtronic cardiovascular stents in the European countries in 2016-17.(Data points are vin degrees)


If the overall profit was $16,10,230, then by what percentage is the profit earned from Britain more than the profit earned form Italy?



·       52.33%

·       125%

·       180%

·       62.55%


49.  Identify the errors in the following sentence:

   Studies indicate that the environment where there are less adults on staff is            often not conductive to learning.


·       Where

·       Less

·       To

·       No error



50.  Identify the errors in the following sentence:
        The candidate, Bob Smith, is of an undetermined age, and he uses this     ambiguity to his benefit.


·       Undetermined

·       And

·       Uses

·       No error



51.  The  ______ behaviour displayed by the teenagers led to their arrest


·       Insouciant

·       Scurrilous

·       Succulent

·       None of the above



52.  Read the following paragraph. What is the author’s Intension?

“ There is nothing less impressive than someone trying to be impressive. There’s  nothing less funny than someone trying to be  funny. Eloquence does not impress anyone except for the person trying so hard to be eloquent ”


·       Giving an explanation

·       Being subtle

·       Being over - expressive

·       None of these



53.   Read the passage and select the  correct option to complete following sentence:


Walter Gropius, Charles  Jeanneret  (better known as Le Corbusier ) and  Ludwig Mies van de Rohe was among the most influential of the many architects   who contributed to the development  of  Modernism in the first half of the century. But the economic depression of the 1930s and the second world war (1939-45)  prevented their ideas from being widely realized until the economic conditions improved and war - torn cities has to be rebuilt. By the 1950s, the International Style developed into  a universal  approach, which standardized the appearance of new buildings in cities across the world.


Modernist ideas were not put into practice until the second half of the 20th century because _________.


·       An economic depression and the second world was was hit Europe

·       Historical buildings were preserved

·       The quality of life is improved

·       Architecture reflects the age



54.  Which of the following is equivalent to highlighted word in the following sentence:

  The candy shop entranced the children.


·       To let the children inside the shop

·       To fill with delight

·       To prohibit the entry

·       None of these


55.  What is  the best alternative for the phrase that is highlighted in the following sentences:

 The more you run at high altitudes, the more our bodies and lungs will acclimate to changing elevations.


·       The more you run at high altitudes

·       The more we run at high altitudes

·       The more high altitudes  run

·       As people run more at high altitudes



56.  Identify the error in the following sentences:

 Because of their identical appearance and dress, the twins were often mistaken for each other, but Tara had the more vivacious personality.


·       Because of

·       Were

·       The more

·       No error



57.  What is the best alternative for the phrase that is highlighted in the following sentence:


Many homeowners in the northern states use a window sealant for it will prevent heat lass in winter.


·       For it will prevent

·       In which it will prevent

·       That will prevent

·       For the prevention of



58.  Identify the error in the sentence:


Permanent loss of eyesight if they stare too long at the sun is a common problem during eclipses.


·       If

·       They stare

·       Too long

·       No error

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