
  Percentage SET: Q21-Q25

21. Manoj gives 10% of his money to his eldest son, 20% of the remaining to his youngest son, 15% of the remaining to a school for poor boys. Still he has Rs. 1224. Find his total sum.
Rs. 1500
Rs. 2000
Rs. 3000
Rs. 2500

Solution: 2

Shortcut Trick 

 Income = Saving × (100/(100 – R1)) × (100/(100 – R1)) × (100/(100 – R1))

⇒ 1224 × (100/90) × (100/80) × (100/85)

⇒ Rs. 2000

∴ Total sum is Rs. 2000


Alternate Method 

Let’s assume that initially Manoj has Rs.X

First Manoj gives 10% of his money to his eldest son

⇒ money given to the eldest son = 0.1X

⇒ Remaining money = X – 0.1 X = 0.9 X

Then, he gives 20% of the remaining money to his youngest son

⇒ money given to the youngest son = 0.9X × 0.20 = 0.18X

⇒ Remaining money = 0.9X – 0.18X = 0.72X

Then, he gives 15% of the remaining money to a school for poor boys

⇒ money given to school for poor boys = 0.72X × 0.15 = 0.108X

⇒ Remaining money = 0.72X – 0.108X = 0.612X

Given finally remaining money = 1224

⇒ 0.612X = 1224

⇒ X = 2000

∴ The total sum is = Rs. 2000

22. In an examination Aditi got 10% more than Bunny. Bunny got 25% less marks than Charmi. Charmi got 20% more marks than Dhaval. If Dhaval got 300 marks, how many marks did Aditi get?
Correct Answer

Solution: 2

Dhaval got 300 marks.

As per the given information, Charmi got 20% more marks than Dhaval

∴ Marks obtained by Charmi = 300 + 20% of 300

⇒ Marks obtained by Charmi = 300 + 60 = 360

As per the given information, Bunny got 25% less marks then Charmi

∴ Marks obtained by Bunny = 360 – 25% of 360

⇒ Marks obtained by Bunny = 360 – 90 = 270

As per the given information, Aditi got 10% marks more than Bunny

∴ Marks obtained by Aditi = 270 + 10% of 270

⇒ Marks obtained by Aditi = 270 + 27 = 297

23. On reducing the entry fee by 35% in a park, the number of people coming to the park increased by 40%, then the percent increase or decrease in the income from the entry fee is –
7% decrease
9% increase
9% decrease
5% decrease

Solution: 3


If entry fee reduced by 35% then,

Number of people increased by 40%


Let the original entry fee be ‘a’ and

The number of people initially coming to the park be ‘b’.

⇒ Total income = a × b = ab

Now, reducing the entry fee by 35% in a park,

the number of people coming to the park increased by 40%

⇒ New entry fee = a – (35% of a) = 0.65a

⇒ New number of people = b + (40% of b) = 1.4b

⇒ New total income = 0.65a × 1.4b = 0.91ab

⇒ Decrease in income = ab – 0.91ab = 0.09ab

% decrease in income =0.09abab×100% 

∴ % decrease in income is 9%

Alternate Method

Let the fee per person be 100x and

The total number of people who are coming to the park initial is 100y 

Total income = 100x × 100y = 10000xy f

According to the question

New per person fee = 100x × (100 - 35)/100 = 65x 

New total number of person = 100y × (100 + 40)/100 = 140y 

Total income = 65x × 140y = 9100xy 

Decrease in income = 10000xy - 9100xy = 900xy

Decrease% = (900xy/10000xy) × 100 = 9%

∴ Decrease% in income is 9%

24. The strength of a school increases and decreases every alternate year by 10%. It started with an increase in the year 2001. Then the strength of the school in year 2003 as compared to that in year 2000 was:

Increased by 8.9%
Decreased by 8.9%
Increased by 9.8%
Decreased by 9.8%

Solution: 1

Let the strength of school in 2000 be ‘a’.

Given, the strength of a school increases and decreases in every alternate year by 10%.

 Strength of school in 2001 = a + 10% of a

⇒ Strength of school in 2001 = 1.1a

Strength of school in 2002 = 1.1a – 10% of 1.1a

⇒ Strength of school in 2002 = 0.99a

Strength of school in 2003 = 0.99a + 10% of 0.99a

⇒ Strength of school in 2003 = 1.089a

% increase in strength 

⇒ % increase in strength 

⇒ % increase in strength = 8.9%

Concept used:

a% = a/100 


100 → Initial value 

a → Changes 


10% = 10/100 = 1/10

Let strength of school in 2000 be 10x 

200110x × (110/100) = 11x  
200211x × 90/100 = 9.9x
20039.9x × (110/100) = 10.89x

Changes from 2000 to 2003 = 10.89x – 10x = 0.89x 

Increase% = (0.89x/10x) × 100 = 8.9% 

∴ Increase% in strength is 8.9% 

25. In an election 20% of votes were not polled and out of two candidates Ram and Bhanu, Ram got 40% of the total votes polled while Bhanu got 60% of the total votes polled and Bhanu won by 1600 votes. How many votes did Bhanu get?


Solution: 1

Let the total number of votes be v.

Given, 20% of votes were not polled.

∴ Total number of votes polled = v – 20% of v = 0.8v

Now, Ram received 40% of total votes polled

Votes received by Ram = 40% of 0.8v = 0.32v

Bhanu received 60% of total votes polled.

Votes received by Bhanu = 60% of 0.8v = 0.48v

Given, Bhanu won by 1600 votes.

∴ 0.48v – 0.32v = 1600

⇒ 0.16v = 1600

⇒ v = 10000

Votes received by Bhanu = 0.48 × 10000 = 4800

SET 06 : Q26 - Q30

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